Dancing Into The New Year
I'll keep this one short and sweet so you can go back to binging a series or enjoy some family time! 😊

Ginger and Fred
Just like in 2018 (when I first posted this illustration), Ginger, Fred and I are wishing you a Happy New Year 2023! May this new year bring you many moments of joy and plenty of time spent with the people you love.
Thank you for being here and reading this blog. I really appreciate it. We're always bombarded with 'content' and I don't take for granted that mine will make its way into your day.
Lots of love,
Judith xx

Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire in the 1936 movie Swing Time. That dress 😍
Book recommendation
I just remembered how I came across the inspiration photo for my illustration: I was searching for the movie while reading Zadie Smith's book of the same name!
I recommend it while knowing fully well that it's not THE BEST of Zadie's. But it's still very good, and as the first book I read of hers it made me want to read more.
It deals with friendship, class, race and wealth, and from what I can remember (I read it in 2017!) it gave me food for thought.
I recommend it while knowing fully well that it's not THE BEST of Zadie's. But it's still very good, and as the first book I read of hers it made me want to read more.
It deals with friendship, class, race and wealth, and from what I can remember (I read it in 2017!) it gave me food for thought.
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